Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Read more » Tuesday, January 7, 2014
This called friendssssssssss :D
Time flies, I didn't meet him for around 4 months.
Buddy, I miss you :)
Hopefully everything going fine there in UK.
Sometimes a picture, a text, an asking, it's warmth :)
buddy, all the best to you ya!
I would describe my first long-term relationship as a mixture of these adjectives: wonderful, powerful, dysfunctional and volatile.
I'm content with how things have turned out in my life but I often wonder how things would've turned out if I knew the following:
1. Just because someone loves you doesn't mean they belong to you.
Your partner was alive before you met him. It doesn't diminish your love to remember and acknowledge that the two of you have separate lives and different accomplishments. Being in love with someone doesn't mean having to spend every single minute with your partner; it means making the most of the time you want to spend together.
2. You can't force your partner to change
Your partner is either who you want him to be, or he isn't. We often lie about who people are or what they tell us because we see what we want the situation to look like, not how it really is. The truth will eventually come out, whether it's on the first date or on your tenth anniversary.
3. Only you can complete yourself.
We're often told that two halves equal a whole. Mathematically that's correct, but in a relationship this rule doesn't apply. Depending on someone else to complete you sets your relationship up for failure because you expect another, imperfect person to make up for your imperfections. Of course, love that's healthy will help you improve yourself; however, there's no need to burden your love with expectations that probably won't be met.
4. Your friends and family remember what you've told them about your relationship.
If you're constantly complaining about your partner to your friends and family, don't be surprised when they aren't rooting for your relationship. They probably want the best for you, and if they only hear what's going wrong, don't be upset with them when they don't support what you've described to them as problematic.
5. "We" and "us" aren't only used for the good times.
We have a tendency to be welcoming to our partners when things are going well in a relationship, but when things aren't going well, we seclude ourselves. Relationships will go through tough times; it's how you deal with them that makes a difference in the overall outcome. Division between the two of you won't provide clarity — communication will. Communication only happens when you are willing to involve your partner in a dialogue of what has happened. You will only be able to work through difficulty by facing obstacles together.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
真的很累,我不想失去你这个好朋友,每以次都主动找你,但你给我的感觉就是, 陪我聊聊,敷衍....
我了解你很忙, 可是如果是好朋友,我相信他一定回空出时间..没错,你有,但给我的感觉,你就是不好意思拒绝我才答应的!
真的从开心, 慢变失望,再变伤心.
我没找你,你就不找我, 这不算好朋友,
我累了,我不想自己一直那样去维持这段朋友的关系, 既然你已经
好朋友, 是一个以 真心交谈的人, 大家会想办法见面,聊天,不让感情淡掉....
算了, 我不想找你了,如果,你珍惜我们之间的友情, 我想你知道该怎么做.
this is the place where i can share my feeling, unhappiness..
and i guess, you won't and never ll read my blog, that's why, i dare to post it here.
my "best friend" , time to say goodbye. after so many years....
Friday, June 14, 2013 为什么你就是看不见我! Thursday, June 6, 2013
The player tag has a deeply negative connotation and is defined by women as the guy who simply enjoys dating and sex but never intends to commit to anyone. To women, he is every attractive charming man that she’s ever fallen for and regretted later. He represents the most alluring yet most dangerous object of a woman’s attention because there’s nothing emotionally fulfilling at the end of that rainbow.
I met a player recently, he's really an asshole.
Roses are red, Violets are blue. You really thought I would cry over you? You thought that was true, well guess what player you just got played to. One day, I'll start messing with your feelings and you'll get mad because I finally learned how to play your game.
Let's all wish Ryan Higa a very Happy 23rd Birthday, TeeHee!! :D
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Recently, I fall in love into this guy
After i watched Ah Boys To Men :)(:
He's sooo gorgeous!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Sometimes, people really have to believe in faith.
Death come, when it's time.
And no one, could stay still.
Its awful, painful, sad.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Can we find real friendship in our college or University life ?
Is that hard to find ?
I went into college for almost 9 months, and i did met some nice friends,
to me, they aren't the real friends,
fake friends ? I can't say it now.
just NORMAL.
Cannot trust what they say,
Cannot believe what you see,
Cannot tell what you wish,
Cannot show how you feel.
and now i really miss my old friends, buddies ;(
they are real,
they are sincere,
they know me,
they understand me.
11 years, 12 years , even 13 years...
they're still there!
True friendship is based on trust, honesty, and sincere generosity of our heart!
This is the only word I can used to describe you!
what's the fuck you are!
So be in the relationship, you felt proud ?
Proud of what ?
The guy loves you, do you really think he loves you that deep ?
Show me off your 'stawberry', show me your dinner ?
Oh c'mon, you're really bastard.
You said I changed my attitude toward you?
Do you ever think that's your problem, not mine!
You're the one who create this problem. How sux you're!
pity you!
Sunday, January 27, 2013 不要为了一颗树,放弃整个森林!! |
You Shutties You dare to click ![]() / Frienster / Michael Jackson you think you know me. ![]() Because Change is inevitable for human like me . Guess I'm at what aged ? Totally love gossiping Have awesome family members and friends Love Braai Not really a shopaholic BUT Chocolate lover :) (Dark Chocolate) Love to travel especially to Rome Paris France Italy Aussie +No matter how you love me,hate me,envy me... --THAT'S ME! I'm who I am ! (♥) you know you're jealous. Shyuan / Joanne / Racheal / Kent / PehYing / Ronald / Hydie / HuiYing / KaiJun / Derren / Ryan / PehHwa / MeiYing / YiiPin / XianKang / Catherine / YuChen / KangNin / ChuanXin / ChanWa Band / ZhenPei / GuangShun / ChinChuan / Iriss / KahYan / My Gang:}} / whatchuu say ? Finish ? click click click click. ♥ ewtetewt ♥ friendsssss ♥ Long time didn't meet buddy ♥ 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before My First Relationship ♥ Time to say goodbye ♥ :( ♥ A Player ♥ Happy Birthday, Ryan! ♥ Tosh Rock ♥ We are. Michael Jackson Jennifer Lopez Sam Neil Elvis Presley David Beckham |